Sheffield Board Games Club
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Introduce your self

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Introduce your self Empty Introduce your self

Post  Anubis Sun 13 May 2012, 23:07

Surprised I didn't find one of these, thought every forum came with one as standard.

Oh well here goes...

My names Howard, I've been paying euro-style board games for about two years now and had no idea there was a group in Sheffield doing this (outside of people turning up to Patriot games sometimes...)

I'd been to a few national conventions and never met anyone from Sheffield (though have met lots of other great people that way).

I usually play with a group of friends (anywhere between 3 and 8+ depending on the day) on Sunday afternoons in the Red Deer in the city centre. Unfortunately the same group also do a regular pub quiz on Tuesdays so meeting up might take a bit of organising.

Do you meet on other days as well as Tuesdays?

Blue Cube
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Introduce your self Empty Re: Introduce your self

Post  Admin Mon 14 May 2012, 07:18

Hi Howard... The club outdates the start of this forum (we used to have a slot on the wargames emporium site) so we never found a need for an introduce yourself section... We all knew each other. We leave intros for any new people to just meeting in the pub and playing. As rick will tell you... You might get a lot of stick if you win your first game though Wink.

Be great to see you down if timings work out.

Club night is every other Tuesday but people do meet outside that to play longer game, civ, ti3 etc. Generally at the weekend at each others houses. Nothing official basically. Invites are sometimes posted but mostly it works on word of mouth.

There has been talk of trying to make the Birmingham expo. My excuse is two young kids and a wife that hates my gaming hobby. I do plan to make it one day though... I'm from Wolverhampton originally so accomodation would be easy. Essen is but a dream.

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Post  mikew Mon 14 May 2012, 10:19

I quite like this idea, so here goes:

I'm Mike, 49, married, 2 kids, and employed in the cruel and glamorous world of IT outsourcing. I work in Sheffield and live in Chesterfield. Been up in the cold North for 12 years now but originally I'm from south London.

I started playing postal Diplomacy and hex wargames in the late 70s, then drifted into D&D where I remained for the next 30 years. But still did occasional board gaming - Fortress America and Kingmaker were particularly happy memories.

Never got into table-top wargaming but was pleasently surprised to find that colleagues in Sheffield who did also played a lot of board games. So here I am.

Green Cowboy Meeple
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Post  Admin Mon 14 May 2012, 10:35

Happy birthday btw Mike...

now I feel I should do the same...

Aneurin, 32, married with 2 young kids (4 and 1, sapping all my energy). I'm an MR physicist for a high field MRI system at the University of Sheffield (I also do computer programming - I think thats a prerequisite of 'geek' though isn't it?). I live in north sheffield so always turn up late to gaming events (now thats style).

I started gaming at a young age. My mom and dad were into D&D, they got me Hero Quest, Advanced HQ etc. The downfall began. It really took off at Uni. After trying to pay for a MPhys and a PhD, I couldn't afford the hedonistic lifestyle of my peers and had to resort to playing Risk and drinking cheap (£9 a bottle) whiskey with Steve (Mechanical Monkey). Our tastes got more expensive, better whiskey (heading for the Islay malts) and better games... Settlers of Catan... then Twilight Imperium. That kept us occupied many a weekend and from it stemed my hated of Steve and his back-stabbing ways Laughing . TI3 brings out the best in people.

As we got older and friends (well people who would play TI3 with us) departed for pastures new we needed new blood to satisfy our lust for gaming. I surfed the net and found this club in 2008... It was based in Darnall then. I took Steve and Dave, so not to look totally sad turning up alone looking for 'friends' to play with. Now they can't get rid of me. Unlike mike the others did seduce me back into table top wargaming. That and it helps me escape nappy duty.

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Post  rain242 Tue 05 Jun 2012, 19:51

I'm Ric, thirty-something, originally from Chesterfield, currently living in Halfway. I've been gaming for over twenty years now, having got into it via Games Workshop's various games. I gave up on wargames in my teens (once I realised that the guy with the most pocket money always won), concentrating more on their board games until I kicked the habit in the early Nineties.

RPGs have always been my main staple, which I play every Friday in Chesterfield (you should check us out some time). Although we play board games every couple of months or so, I've recently got back into board games more through playing outside of the occasional Friday and, obviously, this group, which I joined back in February (doesn't time fly?).

That's pretty much it, but if you want to know anything else about me, come find me on Facebook.
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Post  karl_b Sun 02 Mar 2014, 14:57

This might be a timely bump, particularly as I'm quite forgetful with names...but not as bad as Aneurin.

I'll post a profile myself later.

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Introduce your self Empty Re: Introduce your self

Post  DaveB Sun 02 Mar 2014, 18:33

I'm Dave, been coming along for the past 8 months or so...

I've lived in Sheffield for going on 17 years now, having come here for uni and never left.

I'm married with no children. We've been married nearly 3.5 years now and while she's not into several of the games I really like she does enjoy playing too Smile

I work in IT, starting out in support moving on to systems admin work, I now work as an infrastructure consultant for an ERP/CRM company based in Chesterfield.

I'm what you might call a born-again gamer - too many games of "monopoly" and "snakes and ladders" seriously put me off the habit as a kid but several years ago a friend of mine asked me to make up the numbers on a game of "Settlers of Catan" and that sort of lit the fuse again. Since then I've gotten seriously back into the habit and enjoy frequent game sessions these days. Luckily a lot of my friends are similarly afflicted so there is a nice variety of opponents our there Very Happy
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Post  Kes Mon 03 Mar 2014, 02:18

To make things simple, my username is my name and my picture is me (don't trust these fakes). I've been coming to the club for just over a year now and not missed a session. If I'm not there by 7.30, contact the police.

I've lived in Sheffield my entire life (besides uni and 1 year in Manchester) and I work with my brother in a shop on Devonshire Green. I run the website and do all the design and media work, my degree was in Animation.

I played a lot of board games as a child, dabbled in Games Workshop and eventually got into 'proper' board games a couple years ago also with Settlers of Catan as well as Cosmic Encounter. I found the club after spending a long weekend with friends in London playing a whole load of Catan before coming home and realising I probably wouldn't be able to play for another year.

I don't get a lot if chances to game outside of the club so I'm always up for extra gaming.

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Post  Lizzy Tue 04 Mar 2014, 10:25

Hi, I'm Lizzy (blonde girl with glasses), I've been coming for about 9 months now, often with my husband of 10 years, Gary, in tow.

I work at the University as a research technician, studying photosynthetic bacteria; he's an ex-condensed matter physicist, now working as an open source developer. Outside of board gaming I am a cat botherer, local choir committee member, videogamer, staff writer (for, gardener, festival goer and Sigur Ros stalker.

Much of my youth was spent badgering my Mum and brother into playing board games and we played a lot of Scrabble, Cluedo, Super 3, Buccaneer, Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs, Sorry! and Majong. I stopped playing games when I went to uni, but my brother started buying me games for christmas a few years ago and got me back into the habbit with Munchkin and Carcassonne.

Many of my friends are into board games, but my collection quickly outgrew my play sessions so I went looking for a club to join and found you guys! Since joining the club I've discovered BGG marketplace and (since I also love a bargain) I've collected a mountain of unplayed copies of games I've inadvisedly bought off people over the site.

I'm always happy to join extra sessions whenever I can and very much appreciate any help with chipping away at that mountain!

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Post  karl_b Tue 04 Mar 2014, 13:34

I'm Karl (shock!) and have been coming down to the club since August 2012. Whilst I loved playing games as a kid, I only got as far as Monopoly, Risk, etc and the reason I joined the club was the result of a comment someone made on another forum I post on about 'Eurogaming' coupled with my other half declaring that"...nobody will play that with you!" when I eyed up the GoT board game.

It's been great fun and has started to take over a little; I'm accruing games at a decent rate and I've managed to drag a couple of my friends in to enjoying them too. I still struggle to get Jess (aforementioned other half) to play often but she does like Ticket to Ride, Takenoko and Tsuro.

Big fan of worker placement games (I can hear Kes grumbling from here) such as Manhattan Project and Agricola but I'll play pretty much anything.

I currently live in Walkley, have lived in Sheffield since 2006 and work in the city centre as an architect. Other than gaming I'm currently learning to play the guitar (slowly) and dabble in some amateur photography, but am by no means a photographer! Like Lizzy, I'm also a Sigur Ros stalker and display fan-boy tendencies towards The National, Bright Eyes and Sufjan Stevens. I'm also a bit precious about my garden and veg plot!

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Introduce your self Empty Re: Introduce your self

Post  Admin Tue 04 Mar 2014, 13:38

karl_b wrote:Big fan of worker placement games (I can hear Kes grumbling from here) such as Manhattan Project and Agricola but I'll play pretty much anything.

Remind me who won that game again Wink

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Post  Kes Tue 04 Mar 2014, 14:20

Not letting that one go are you?

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Post  Laura Wed 05 Mar 2014, 07:50

Oh, do I really have to do this? Razz
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Post  PaulC Wed 05 Mar 2014, 21:02

My name's Paul and I'm a gameaholic. It's been 24 hours since my last game.

41, married with 2 kids, 7 and 4. (Odd names for kids, I know). I've always loved board games, but spent many years in the wilderness with no one to play with (sob).
Found the group about 9 months ago and have been attending as often as possible since (usually every other week). I've built up an impressive list of unplayed games (though not in the same league as Lizzy) and am currently on a self-imposed game buying ban until the list is depleted. (Or until I spot something cool on kickstarter...)
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Post  Lizzy Wed 05 Mar 2014, 22:04

karl_b wrote:Like Lizzy, I'm also a Sigur Ros stalker

I totally win though Smile

Bunglebogs wrote:I've built up an impressive list of unplayed games (though not in the same league as Lizzy) and am currently on a self-imposed game buying ban until the list is depleted

Solidarity, brother.

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Post  paulyg Sun 27 Apr 2014, 14:30

Not that I'm bored / avoiding gardening but I thought I might as well reply to this...

I'm Paul, I'm 35 and I'm a Sheffield native (though I did leave for about 10 years to go to uni and then live in London - very foolish). I work for a big IT company (seems to be a theme here) doing cost modelling type stuff. Mostly I get to work from home (in Greenhill), which is great. I'm married to Kathy (aka theatrekat) who also comes along to SBGC on occasion.

I first discovered "real" board games about 10 years via some friends who introduced me to Catan and Carcassone and since then my collection has grown. I'm very lucky in that Kathy also enjoys games (perhaps not quite to the same extent as me) and can often be persuaded to play. She doesn't even seem to mind me spending all my money on board game Kickstarter projects...

There seem to have been a lot of great new games coming out over the past year or so and this has led to a resurgence in my enthusiasm (which was already pretty high). Getting to play a bunch of new games on JoCo Cruise Crazy was brilliant; when I got back from that holiday I was ill for a week and spent most of that time watching Shut Up & Sit Down videos and generally getting very excited about all the games I hadn't played. That kind of then led to me finally getting around to coming along to SBGC and I'm very glad that I did!
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Introduce your self Empty Re: Introduce your self

Post  Ste Fri 06 Feb 2015, 08:11

Hi, sorry for the necro on this thread but thought it wasteful to start a new one. My name is Ste, annoyingly that forum name was already taken so happy for people to call me Blinky if they want which is my gaming handle. I'm 32 years old, married but no kids yet! I currently live in Harthill, South of Sheffield, but I'm not a native of Sheffield or even South Yorkshire. I was born in deepest, darkest Lancashire but spent most of my life in Stoke on Trent. I moved to Sheffield back in 2005 to go to university, met my now wife and never went back.

I'll be honest with you guys, I'm very new to Acoustic Gaming as I like to call it. In fact I only ordered my first game (Pandemic) and I am eagerly awaiting it to be delivered (hopefully today) however I've been so excited at the prospect that I decided to look into finding others to play with other than my wife who is not so enthusiastic!

Abit more about my background, I'm primarily a PC Gamer, but I do enjoy playing other games on consoles, handhelds and iOS devices. I used to write for a website called doing reviews and various other opinion and just for fun pieces, however I gave that up recently due to other commitments and am now just a troll on their forums! In terms of work, I am a quantity surveyor working for a national civil engineering company, we mainly do road schemes so any roadworks you find yourself in might just be my fault!

As mentioned before I am quite busy with other stuff at the minute so I don't think I'll be in attendance for many game nights just yet but it's something I'm definitely interested in and I wanted to introduce myself and start building up abit of a rapport with you guys.

This forum isn't on tapatalk so I might miss some posts that go up here, however I'm more easily found on Twitter for those that way inclined! @stemarsh hit me up and say hello

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Post  Admin Fri 06 Feb 2015, 08:20

Hi Steve... welcome to the wallet breaking hobby we call board gaming! Pandemic is a great choice of first game. You will enjoy it. Happy to play at the club anytime. Hopefully we will see you on Tuesday...

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Introduce your self Empty Re: Introduce your self

Post  PaulC Fri 06 Feb 2015, 08:29

Welcome Ste!
As Aneurin said, Pandemic is a great starting point for your (soon to be out of control) game collection. You'll find plenty of people at the club happy to play it and introduce you to more games.
Hope to see you on Tuesday!
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Post  DaveB Fri 06 Feb 2015, 08:31

Hi Ste,

As a similarly married man without children I feel I should warn you to hope your wife is an understanding sort - this is an addictive habit Wink

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Introduce your self Empty Re: Introduce your self

Post  Ste Fri 06 Feb 2015, 08:47

Hi guys, thanks for the warm welcome!

Don't worry, my wife long ago accepted that she now owns a massive nerd and now just lets me get on with it!

Just a more technical query regarding this forum. I'm posted this from my phone but due to some pretty draconian Internet usage rules at work I can't access this forum at work without going through Tor. Only now the forum won't let me log in. It just says "You are not allowed to log on this forum"

Can anyone tell me why? Is it because I'm already logged in on my phone or is there some sort of block on login attempts from IP's which appear to be foreign? I think my IP is appearing to be from Germany or somewhere at the minute. Any help would be appreciated as the mobile signal at work is terrible. No 3G!
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Post  DaveB Fri 06 Feb 2015, 09:00

Ste - There's certainly no limit to logging on from multiple devices (I'm currently logged on via desktop, laptop and phone atm)

Not sure if Tor would be a problem, but, so far as I know, there are no geographical restrictions on accessing the forum either - be kinda pointless to have them after all Smile
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Post  Ste Fri 06 Feb 2015, 09:04

Yeah I thought it was strange to have login limits too but thought I'd ask. I'll keep messing around with it and see what happens. If anyone can help out though that would be great.

Edit - I'm in! I logged out of the forum on my phone then tried again and it worked. Not sure if that was the issue though. Hopefully it was just a glitch!
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Post  DaveB Fri 06 Feb 2015, 09:07

I just did a quick google on Forumotion (they host this forum) and the error message you mentioned - the only real hit I found mentioned that VPN's can cause connection issues. Its certainly conceivable that whatever aspect of a VPN that confuses the forum could be present in TOR too...

... Although what that could be that *isn't* affected by a standard NAT router I do not know!
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Post  Admin Fri 06 Feb 2015, 09:09

I believe it's some kind of dark magic...

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